
The Button component is used to trigger an action or event, such as submitting a form, opening a dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation.


import { Button } from "@nature-ui/core";


<Button className="bg-blue-500">Button</Button>

Button Sizes#

Use the size prop to change the size of the button. You can set the value to xs, sm, md, or lg.

<Stack spacing="1rem" row className="items-center">
<Button className="bg-teal-500" size="xs">
<Button className="bg-teal-500" size="sm">
<Button className="bg-teal-500" size="md">
<Button className="bg-teal-500" size="lg">

Button variants#

<Stack row spacing="1rem" className="items-center">
{/* Solid (Default) variant */}
<Button className="bg-purple-500">Button</Button>
{/* Outline variant */}
<Button className="text-purple-500 border border-purple-500">Button</Button>
{/* Ghost variant */}
<Button className="text-purple-500">Button</Button>

Button with icon#

You can add left and right icons to the Button component using the leftIcon and RightIcon props respectively.

Note: The leftIcon and rightIcon prop values should be react elements NOT strings.

<Stack row spacing="1rem">
<Button leftIcon={<EmailIcon />} className="bg-teal-500">
rightIcon={<ArrowForwardIcon />}
className="text-teal-500 border border-teal-500"
Call us

You can also use icons from popular libraries like react-icons and pass it into the button.

Note: @nature-ui/icons exports each of these icon packs

// import { MdBuild , MdCall } from "react-icons/md"
<Stack row spacing="1rem">
<Button leftIcon={<MdBuild />} className="bg-pink-500">
rightIcon={<MdCall />}
className="text-blue-500 border-blue-500 border"
Call us

Button loading state#

Pass the isLoading prop to show its loading state. By default, the button will show a spinner and leave the button's width unchanged.

You can also pass the loadingText prop to show a spinner and the loading text.

<Stack row spacing="1rem">
<Button isLoading className="bg-purple-500">
className="text-purple-500 border border-purple-500"


  • Button has role of button.
  • When Button has focus, Space or Enter activates it.


All props you pass (size, color, etc.) are converted to style props. This means you can override any style of the Button with custom tailwindcss classes or the emotion css prop.

// The size prop affects the height of the button
// but I can still override it by passing a custom height
height: "48px",
width: "200px",
className="bg-gray-300 border-2 border-green-500"


Button composes the Box component so you can pass all props for Box. These are props specific to the Button component.

aria-labelstringAn accessible label for the button, useful when you render only an icon in the button
colorstringblueThe color scheme of the button. Use the colors in theme.colors that have 100 - 900 values
leftIconReactElementThe left icon element to use in the button
rightIconReactElementThe right icon element to use in the button
spinnerReactElementThe spinner element to use when isLoading is set to true
isDisabledbooleanfalseIf true, the button will be disabled.
isLoadingbooleanfalseIf true, the button will show a spinner.
loadingTextstringThe label to show in the button when isLoading is true. If no text is passed, it only shows the spinner
sizesm, md, lgmdThe size of the button.