Form Control
Form Control provides context such as `isInvalid`, `isDisabled`, and `isRequired` to form elements
It follows the WAI specifications for forms.
import {FormControl,FormLabel,FormErrorMessage,FormHelperText,} from "@nature-ui/core";
<FormControl id="email"><FormLabel>Email address</FormLabel><Input type="email" /><FormHelperText>We'll never share your email.</FormHelperText></FormControl>
Sample usage for a radio or checkbox group#
<FormControl as="fieldset"><FormLabel as="legend">Favorite Naruto Character</FormLabel><RadioGroup defaultValue="Itachi"><Stack row>{["Sasuke", "Nagato", "Itachi", "Nature"].map((value) => (<Radio key={value} value={value}>{value}</Radio>))}</Stack></RadioGroup><FormHelperText>Select only if you're a fan.</FormHelperText></FormControl>
Making a field required#
By passing the isRequired
props, the Input
field has aria-required
set to
, and the FormLabel
will show a red asterisk.
<FormControl id="first-name" isRequired><FormLabel>First name</FormLabel><Input placeholder="First name" /></FormControl>
Select Example#
<FormControl id="country"><FormLabel>Country</FormLabel><select placeholder="Select country"><option>Netherlands</option><option>Nigeria</option></select></FormControl>
Usage with Form Libraries#
Form Libraries like Formik make it soooo easy to manage form state and validation. I 💖 Formik
function FormikExample() {function validateName(value) {let error;if (!value) {error = "Name is required";} else if (value !== "Divine") {error = "Jeez! You're not a fan 😱";}return error;}return (<FormikinitialValues={{ name: "Sasuke" }}onSubmit={(values, actions) => {setTimeout(() => {alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));actions.setSubmitting(false);}, 1000);}}render={(props) => (<form onSubmit={props.handleSubmit}><Fieldname="name"validate={validateName}render={({ field, form }) => (<FormControl isInvalid={ &&}><FormLabel htmlFor="name">First name</FormLabel><Input {...field} id="name" placeholder="name" /><FormErrorMessage>{}</FormErrorMessage></FormControl>)}/><ButtonisLoading={props.isSubmitting}type="submit"className="mt-4 bg-purple-600">Submit</Button></form>)}/>);}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
isInvalid | boolean | false | If true , this prop is passed to its children. |
isRequired | boolean | false | If true , this prop is passed to its children. |
isDisabled | boolean | false | If true , this prop is passed to its children. |
isReadOnly | boolean | false | If true , this prop is passed to its children. |