
Containers are the most basic layout element in Nature UI. It is used to constrain the maximum of the content it wraps.

This component uses tailwindcss max-w-* utility classes to set the max width of a component.


import { Container } from "@nature-ui/core";


To contain any piece of content, wrap it in the Container component.

There are many benefits to a joint design and development system. Not only
does it bring benefits to the design team, but it also brings benefits to
engineering teams. It makes sure that our experiences have a consistent look
and feel, not just in our design specs, but in production

With size#

The size prop accepts one of xs, sm, md, lg, xl or any valid css width property value.

<Container size="sm" centered>
There are many benefits to a joint design and development system. Not only
does it bring benefits to the design team...


centerContentboolean-If true, container will center its children regardless of their width.
sizestringxs, sm, md, lg, xl, stringCan be one of the above or a valid css width property value like 500px